During this time of rising food costs, hunger and the challenge of having enough food to eat, is for many a sad reality. Flemingdon Park Food Bank continues to strive to alleviate food insecurity for the residents of Flemingdon and Thorncliffe Parks. Currently the Food Bank serves over 700 families, many of whom are seniors and newcomers to Canada.

Your Outreach Committee is once again sponsoring a food drive, and we are asking that you bring food items to the church from Sunday October 1, through to Thanksgiving Sunday October 8, to help this agency serve their community. All food is very much needed and especially: rice, sugar, boxed cereal (varieties other than oatmeal); assorted lentils, chickpeas and beans; canned tuna and soup; as well as cooking oil. Please ensure that all donated items are within the best before date and in unopened containers.
Please bring in your contributions and place them in the bins in the Narthex or the St Clements Avenue reception area.
Financial donations are also welcome. You can donate by sending your financial gift to the Church in form of a cheque or electronically. See stclementsto.ca/donate for details.
During October 10 to 13, we need drivers to transport food donations from St. Clement's Church to the Flemingdon Park Food Bank. If you can help with this, please write to outreach@stclementsto.ca and a committee member will coordinate the details with you.
Thank you for your on-going generosity. With your help we can share God’s gifts with our neighbours!
