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  • Writer's pictureSt Clements Church Toronto

Help us reach our goal!

Your Stewardship team is very pleased to be back after the summer and to be able to share the news of all our progress on the Campaign.  You have only to look at the back of the Church to see all the leaves sprouting along the balcony and to realize that everyone of them represents a visit made and a connection forged. We are thrilled to have raised over 80% of our campaign goal, but even more important are the relationships that have been deepened and strengthened.  

The campaign at a glance

· Total raised: $4,186,000

· Visits completed: 182

· Pledges returned: 99

· Cash received to date: $1,490,360

· Expenditures to date: $356,90

There are a couple of things worth noting here.  We have  made 182 incredible visits, have had 99 pledge cards returned and are eagerly awaiting pledge cards from all those we visited. Your gifts of prayer and financial support are all important and we would like to acknowledge your efforts, so please, if  you’ve have had a visit from one of our ambassadors, return your pledge card by dropping it in the offering plate, bringing it by the church office or mailing it in.

Our goal is to connect with every parishioner at St Clement’s. Our visits are a time to share and listen to your input. Team members are reaching out to facilitate this and look forward hearing back and scheduling a time to connect. You can also request a visit by clicking here.

We will be holding several group meetings throughout the fall, and will have a mailing that will go out to those we have been unable to reach directly. Even if you are not interested in the campaign, the benefits of these visits and meetings extend beyond the scope of the campaign and the connections made spill over into a greater sense of community, each Sunday and throughout the week.

You will also note that our cash received to date includes amounts that have been designated for specific goals in our campaign. These amounts cannot be spent at this time because they are restricted to the purposes identified by the donor. These amounts will be spent over time as the related expenditures are made.

Last week we reported on the great progress that has been made over the summer on elements of our campaign – new windows, a repaired organ, debt repayment, the lift will be repaired this fall, and many small improvements and repairs that have been needed for some time. This is only the beginning – your efforts are paying off and we will be able to improve our space and our ministry offerings, with your help.  Please prayerfully consider a gift to Giving for Growth, if you have not already done so. We are so close to reaching our goal – help us achieve it and continue to strengthen St. Clement’s!  



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