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Andrew is the keeper of our mission-vision-values, and leads our staff, strategic plan, and warden teams. He leads our OMG Tuesdays and small group ministries.




Associate Priest

Liska is the pastoral care liaison and community-connector.  She develops many of our liturgies, leads our pastoral care team, and is the staff lead for funerals.



Interim Director of Music

Kai is the interim director of our music ministry. He will be shepherding our 9:30 and 11 am music-making until our search process for a permanent Director of Music is complete.



Administrative & Communications Associate 

Ariel is the coordinator of our parish communications and administration, including designing and maintaining our newsletter, website, social media, and service programs. She helps us tell the story of St. Clement's.


Audio Visual Production Coordinator

Gloria is dedicated to ensuring the audio-visual aspects of both online and in-person services run smoothly, enhancing the worship experience for all. 



Evening Caretaker

Jamie is our evening caretaker who assists in maintaining our physical plant and meeting the needs of our tenants and groups.


Associate Rector

Pamela leads our worship experience ministries, supports communications, and works closely with our youth and children’s ministry team. She is
involved in strategic visioning and planning, and is the staff lead for baptisms and weddings.


Digital Pastor

Michael is dedicated to researching, implementing, facilitating, and shaping interactive opportunities for the St. Clement’s online community.

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Youth and Children's Minister

Allison is the pastor to our children and youth. She oversees our youth and children’s ministry volunteers and is committed to fostering faith among our youngest members. 

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Lucie is the bookkeeper. She oversees all our financial accounting and reporting, including our audit process and charitable receipting.


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Property Manager

Attila leads the property staff in maintaining our physical plant and meeting the needs of our tenants and groups.



Apurva is our part-time caretaker who assists in maintaining our physical plant and meeting the needs of our tenants and groups.

Lay Leadership

Parish Council

Pat Crawford & Richard Austin, Chair of The Worship Experience 

Susan Colacitti, Chair of Reaching Out

Katherine and Paul Hicks, Co-chairs of Engagement through Christian Education

Catherine Nicholson, Chair of Deepening Relationships with One Another

Leonard Wong & Neil Zacharjewicz Co-Chairs of Sustainable Operations

Kiran Ghanekar, Ehsan Hemmatzadeh, Matthew Hicks, Westmore Smith, Paul Nielsen (alternate): Lay Delegates to Synod

Clergy and Staff Liaisons

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