Partnering with us allows us to share faith with the next generation, support ministry locally and around the world, offer beautiful worship to God and maintain a physical presence in our neighbourhood with our historic buildings. ​
Donate today!
Online through Canada Helps.
Other ways to give
Pre-Authorized Giving (PAG) allows for monthly withdrawals directly from your bank account or credit card. Please click here to complete a form and email it back to us by clicking here.
Help us foster deeper connections and enhance the spiritual journey of our church members and increase your PAG by clicking here.
Please post or drop-off a cheque payable to “St. Clement’s Church” to our secured, exterior mailbox located at
70 St. Clements Ave., Toronto, ON M4R 1H2.
United Way campaign funds raised through your workplace can be directed to St. Clement’s Church, as can gifts of securities. For more information, contact our Bookkeeper, Lucie Presot.
Create a legacy
A bequest in your will ensures your commitment to the ministry of St. Clement’s lasts beyond your lifetime.
Life Insurance allows a larger gift than you might otherwise be able to make, by naming St. Clement’s as the beneficiary.
For more information, contact our Bookkeeper, Lucie Presot.